
Agreement in Principle for the MCLIU’s Third Collective Agreement

We are pleased to announce that at our special General Assembly held on April 5, 2024, the Bargaining Committee presented to the membership, and received a unanimous approval, the Agreement in Principle for our Third Collective Agreement.

Once the Union and McGill have finalized the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), an information session will be held for those members who could not attend our Special General Assembly on April 5. We will present once more the changes we gained and answer any questions you may have.

An invitation will go out as soon as the MOA is signed, with details on date and time of the online meeting.

AGSEM Strike Situation

March 25, 2024

Many of you have reached out to us to receive clarification as to their duties during the TA strike that started this morning. The main questions that were asked are:

  • Do we have to perform the TAs’ tasks during their strike (labs, grading, tutorials, etc.) even if we were not in charge of those tasks before the strike started?
  • If I am a TA and a CL at the same time, am I on strike for both of my contracts?

As you may know, it is now largely recognized in Québec and other provinces that hiring or using employees to act as scabs during a strike has significant negative impacts on the work environment and is not supportive of industrial peace. Quebec has been at the avant-garde in that regard by including in its Labor Code an antiscab disposition as of the 1970s.

In light of the above, please note that the Union cannot substitute itself to McGill by telling you what tasks you should or should not perform. The responsibility to give clear instructions during a strike falls on the Employer’s shoulder. If the Union substitute itself to the Employer by telling you what tasks you can refuse to perform, it exposes itself to heavy fines should a Tribunal decide that the instructions were not accurate. However, to support you in understanding your legal obligations, we have asked for a legal advice from our parent union, the CSN.

Below you will find a summary of the opinion:

  1. McGill’s public notices (directives), Q&As and “Quick guide for instructors” that were recently sent out, which claim instructors can do the work of TAs and are responsible for all TA work, “are misleading, if not simply false.”
  2. The CSN opinion finds that while lecturers “maintain responsibility of their course and coordinate the activities performed by TAs (whether it be grading, laboratories, workshops, etc.)… once the TAs’ tasks are identified and dutifully allocated to a TA under a Workload Form, it is our opinion that these tasks thereafter are duties that belong to said TA for the duration of the period covered by said contract.”

The opinion cites section 109.1 (g) of the Quebec Labour Code, in support:

109.1 For the duration of a strike declared in accordance with this Code or a lockout, every employer is prohibited from:

(g) utilizing, in an establishment where a strike or lock-out has been declared, the services of an employee he employs in the establishment to discharge the duties of an employee who is a member of the bargaining unit on strike or locked out.

The opinion additionally cited various case law in stating that “considering that TAs duties are allocated in the Workload Forms consisting in the normal course of business established by parties, in our opinion, the Employer’s position that Course lecturers and other instructors can take over TAs duties during their strike is misleading and does not take in consideration the intensive case law applicable.”

  1. Equally, the opinion refutes McGill’s claim that Course Lecturers are managers and therefore can replace TAs, given that MCLIU members are employees “under the Labour Code, having been accredited as such since 2011 (AM-2001-2616).”
  2. If you are a TA and hold a contract as a Course Lecturer, the employer is invoking a part of the law that does not make it possible for you to complete your lecturer obligations. The opinion says that

“The Employer is choosing to apply ss. c) of s. 109.1 of the Code which states that they are prohibited from utilizing, in an establishment where a strike or lock-out has been declared, the services of an employee who is a member of the bargaining unit then on strike or locked out unless (i) an agreement has been reached for that purpose between the parties.”

  1. The opinion informs that the general principle “obey now, grieve later” does not apply to orders requiring an employee to commit an illegal act. However, it does also warn that the employees who refuse to perform TAs replacement work after being asked by the employer to do so may face disciplinary measures. It also mentions that the union shall refrain from telling their members what tasks to refuse to perform as this may be construed as urging members to partake into an illegal strike.

We understand the TA strike raises complicated issues, but please read the points above carefully in the undertaking of your responsibilities. We encourage all members to find some free time to support the TAs in their action, including joining them on the picket lines in support. They are fighting for respect and better work conditions, just like MCLIU is doing for our membership. Lastly, should you have any complications with the employer, please do inform the Union immediately, so that we may protect your rights as best as possible.

MCLIU Executive Committee

United McGill Unions Rally to Demand Fair and Better Work Conditions

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FNEEQ university unions

March 20 – Rally Solidarity among all the Fneeq University Unions

MCLIU supports the President Patrick Lupien and our colleagues

Strikers at College Regina Assumpta

from the teachers’ union at Collège Regina Assumpta, 7th strike day.

MCLIU supports the union at Université Laval

MCLIU supports the Université Laval union

MCLIU supports the union at Université Laval.

January 19 Delegate Council meeting

On January 19, the Delegate Council mobilized to support the Bargaining team and voted to increase its powers to negotiate. A resolution was adopted and will be submitted to the General Assembly for its approval.

Holiday Season Get-Together – Nego – The Faculty Club

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Sarah Wolfson receives Excellence in Teaching award

Principal Deep Saini and Sarah Wolfson

MCLIU congratulates Sarah Wolfson as a recipient of the Principal’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching in the Course Lecturer category, in the November 2023 convocation. Sarah was praised for cultivating a collaborative learning environment. Well done, Sarah!

Executive Committee Election Results

At the General Assembly of September 29, 2023 the following members of the Union were elected as the new Executive Committee of MCLIU-SCCIM for a mandate of three years:

Mr Raad Jassim: President
Dr Ahmad Munir: Vice-president
Me Nick Papatheodorakos: Grievance officer
Ms Fabienne Cyrius: Communication and Mobilization Officer
Mr Tariq Nizami: Budget Officer

The executive will continue to work for you with full force.

In solidarity,

Raad Jassim,

September 2023 MUNACA Barbecue

On September 27, 2023 MCLIU Executives attended the MUNACA annual Fall BBQ.

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